Monday, 23 November 2009

Just 3 days later than Bexie's birthday, is mine, so we usually have a joint special meal. Yhis year we have my Dad staying with us, so he was able to join in.

During the same weekend, we had a visit from Jan and Jim again and went to Wells to See Ellie's jewellery work in a new gallery.

Jan and I bought some bits and pieces from the wool shop. Then it was back to our town to purchace the netbook Jim had reserved for me, for my birthday. I just want to say, if anyone who contributed reads this, and you know who you are, thnk you very much, I love it! And it's great not to have to beg someone else for the loan of their computer for a few hours!

Sunday we went to Montecute Village amid raather a lot of Somerset mud! Unfortunately Bexie had left her shoes in someone else's car and wasn't really dressed for the occaision, but I am happy to report that she remained upright!

Although it had been raining lots and very windy, there was still some colour on the trees. The water you can see at the bottom of the hill, is supposed to be there, it's a pond. There were quite a few fish in it too! But the most unexpected animals we found were a couple of alpacas!

More about birthdays!

Here is our girl on her 18th birthday, wearing a brand new watch from Grandma and Granddad! She is also wearing a scarf Ellie gave her. Her boyfriend took her off for the day as a relative of his was being Christened at a local church.

Here's the cake that Em made her sister. Note Shawn The Sheep on the top! It was yummy!

Sorry it's been a while

Yes, sorry, it's been a while. However in November, we have a birthday season and it's been a busy few weeks with lots going on at the weekends...............and it's not over yet!

It begins every year towards the end of September, with our wedding anniversary (this year we clocked up 32! Not sure where the time went, but it was anything but uneventful!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Things around my home.

Oct 30th

A Bit if Boasting.......

I created this version of my family tree when I took a City and Guilds Embroidery Course a while ago. The design work took forever and was supposed to be done before I began work on the actual piece but........ well you can guess!

This was another piece for the same course, based on peacock feathers. I used different metalic organza layered on top of each other and then frayed them. The base is dyed silk.

A Bit of nature.............

I opened my curtains this morning and there were birds from end to end of this lamp. Of course by the time I grabbed the camera most of them had left. But this was the only one they chose from a whole row down the street. It made me wonder why. Was the view better from there? Were they interested in who was opening the curtains (I don't suppose so for a minute!), or was the light on for longer than all the rest and therefore still warm?

Remember the trip to the arboetum? Well, maybe I could have saved some cash! Or maybe because we went there, my eyes have been opened to some of the beauty around me? All these were very local, the first just outside my bedroom window.

Some of the trees on my walk into town. Ok they aren't maples, not bright red, but so varied in colour.

A Bit from My Best Frieend's House..........

I am cheating now, really! She isn't mine, but I wouldn't mind if she was! This is Miss Millie, my friend's little cat. She rules ok? There will be more tales from My Best Friend's house! I have told her she should charge entry to the managerie!

A Bit of a Scare for Some..........

Speaking of animals...well sort of, this is not really the cuddly sort! Look what tried to walk into my house, through the back door, today!

Just to give you some idea of its size, my sliper has slipped into this frame.

A Bit of the Future?.........

Steve and I have always wanted to live on a narrow boat, we already live near a canal. Could this be our future returement home?

All the people I love are getting something I have made for Christmas, wiht the eception of those who have specifically asked for something different. Most gifts are now complete. I am not sure why I am this organised this year. Maybe it has to do with the two fibrey events I have attended in 2009? Anyway, I am modelling a sock that is going to a member of the family, with its twin, of course.